Friday, November 25, 2011

Top 5 Foods- Help You Get Rid From Freckles

Mash the fresh carrot and squeeze out the juice, then apply the fresh juice on the face every morning and evening after you have washed the face. Or you can drink a glass of carrot juice every day, which also has the function of removing the freckles. This is because carrot is rich in pro-vitamin A, which can change into vitamin A in the body. While vitamin A has the effects of moistening and strengthening the skin, and can also prevent and treat rough skin and freckles.

Everyone wants to have a ruddy and bright face, because it not only gives people a sense of beauty, but also can make themse *** es have a happy mood, which is beneficial to their physical and psychological health. However, some people are troubled by a lot of brown freckles on their face. The real freckles cause could be the body's desire to protect the melanocytes from damaging UV and to help protect fair-skinned individuals from free radical damage. That doesn't mean that you have to like them.

4. Carrot juice

Drinking a glass of tomato juice every day or eating tomatoes regularly is very helpful for the prevention and treatment of freckles. As tomato is rich in vitamin C, so it is known as "the warehouse of vitamin C". Vitamin C can inhibit the activity of tyrosinase in the skin, and can effectively reduce the formation of melanin, so as to make the skin white and tender, and eliminate the dark spots.

5. Black fungus

2. Cucumber

1. Tomato juice

Lemon contains a large number of Vitamin C. Every 100 grams of lemon juice contains 50 mg of vitamin C. In addition, it also contains calcium, phosphorus, iron and B vitamins, and so on. Drinking lemon juice regularly not only can make the skin white and tender, prevent against the aging of the skin, remove the pigmented spots on the face, but also has the effect of preventing and treating atherosclerosis.

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According to the record of "Compendium of Materia Medica", black fungus can moisten the skin, prevent skin aging, and is very helpful to eliminate the dark spots.

Modern scientific research shows that cucumber is rich in potassium and contains a certain amount of carotene, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carbohydrates, protein, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. As a result, eating cucumber regularly can eliminate the freckles and whiten the skin.

Some of the spots fade with time and reduced exposure to sunlight. They often become lighter in the wintertime.

In addition, other foods such as white gourd, marigold, and dandelion can also eliminate the freckles, make the skin clean and white, and reduce the risk of suffering from dermatitis

Actually, there are many kinds of natural foods which have the effects of eliminating the freckles, and following are some typical examples.

3. Lemon juice

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